The 2022 San Diego Gravel Series
Join us for our new bi-weekly Saturday gravel rides in 2022. These GS Dev Team hosted rides will occur on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays throughout the year in North County San Diego. We’ve crafted a new course that includes some of our favorite paths and trails that will serve as a consistent template for this new tradition.
Rides start at The Lost Abbey Confessional in Cardiff, CA before heading south along the coast to Del Mar, then heads east into Gonzalez Canyon. After a fun section of dirt, we will connect to the 56 bike path and exit onto Poway Rd as we enter Penasquitos Canyon. An extended version of the route includes UCSD that will start on April 9, now featuring a 45-mile ride that includes 2500 ft of elevation and will start at 8:30AM from the Seaside Market courtyard next to Sambazan. Food, beverages, and story-telling will be enjoyed post-ride at The Confessional.
Our NEW Saturday Gravel Route
The original, shorter 40-mile, 2000ft version can be viewed here.
With a diversity of road and dirt surfaces the optimal bike for Gravelstoke rides are a gravel or cross bike with tires at least 38mm in width. Tubeless tires are highly recommended. Please ride completely self-sufficient with a hand pump, CO2 cartridges, extra tubes and other appropriate trailside repair gear.
This is a self-supported ride, with no SAG wagon or aid stations. Routes are not marked and you are 100% responsible for yourself, your mechanicals, your food/water resupplies, and your retrieval off route (in case of emergency).
Please help us keep our trails safe and enjoyable for all. Whenever passing hikers, equestrians or other riders be prepared to slow down, say hi and pass in a safe and friendly manner. Always stay on designated trails and never ride dirt in wet or muddy conditions. Find more information on trail etiquette here.
A brief note that things will be quiet here for a few days, but we’ll be back!